

Only for FRENCH PREMIERES, submissions are open until July 31st 2016 for : 

  • International Competition: 8 to 10 features films showcasing the brightest contemporary filmmaking.

  • Nouvelles Vagues Acuitis Competition: Focus on works that reflect the continuous reinvention of cinema within the contemporary visual scene, with no restriction on duration or genre.

  • Trajectoires Competition: Films for all audiences, focusing on teenage years.

  • Special Screening: The latest films from recognized masters of cinema as well as works which build bridges between cinema and the arts.

  • Variété: A colorful selection of the most imaginative and innovative genre films, between mutations and bright visions.

  • Young audience: Films from around the world especially conceived for children and young people, alongside moving-iùage related workshops.

To submit your film, please fill in the form here.